Web Sevices and Consulting
- SEO Copy Writing - Editorial
- Landing Page Optimization
- PSD to CSS SEO Slices
- Domain Name Registration
- Web Site Hosting
- HTML/CSS Tutoring for Graphic Designers
- Web Design Consulting
- Web Design New Site
- SEO Search Engine Optimization
- Word Press CMS SEO
- eCommerce SEO
- Graphic Design Services and Logos
SEO Web Design Consulting
Is your website working for you? Contact us now for a free consultation and we'll show you what it takes to get higher GOOGLE placement in search results! Get a free, no obligation analysis of your current web design, determine the level of SEO it's going to need to improve your ranking in Search Engine Results Placement (SERP).
New Site? Get the Clean Code Advantage
"and leave your competition in the dust!"
From the "doctype" to the last closing html tag, the underlying code behind your great looking website will be done right the first time. It will include all the necessary tags and keyword content to make your site search engine friendly. This is what all the SEO specialists will do before they get to their keyword algorithm voodoo, so get it done right out of the gate and save yourself $$$.
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SEO for Existing and Established Websites
We can upgrade your existing website with the latest in "on page" SEO technology. To see what we do for "Google" friendly seo web design, click here
SEO for WordPress, Joomla and Drupal CMS Web Design
Content management systems (CMS) like Word Press and Joomla allow you, the web site owner, to update your own content without having to call your webmaster for every little change. This is best for website owners who need to change or add information on a regular basis. Nickswebworks can design, style and set up your WordPress website with basic search engine optimization using SEO plugins and keyword research. This can be as a blog linked to from your main site, or your entire website. We can even guide you and teach you how to drive your new Word Press website. Nickswebworks "web design with SEO in mind" can launch your WordPress, Joomla or Drupal web site with relevant content and proper search engine optimization.
SEO for eCommerce Web Design
We can get your online store up and running with the look and feel that best represents your brand. Nickswebworks can design everything from your all important logo to the visual style of your website, whatever your budget may be. Already have a graphic designer? No problem! We can do the "on page" seo web design necessary to get your online store ecommerce website a jumpstart in the SERPs.
Graphic Design Services
Google Friendly Logo and Graphic Design
Nick Sharpe designs search engine friendly logos and graphics. One of the most overlooked opportunities to get high page rank for your website is the naming and optimizing of images. Something as trivial as one "alt" tag can change your SERP. Creating original, eye catching images combined with proper on page SEO can make your website more powerful and effective than a ppc or backlink campaign will do on it's own. A strong foundation of search engine optimized code can leverage your "off-page" investments exponentially. Dollar for dollar, Nickswebworks seo web design is your best search engine marketing value... pretty pictures and all.
Convert Flash Websites to HTML5 and CSS3 for iPhone and iPad
Improve Your SERP and Get Found on the World's Most Popular Platform

The first rule of SEO web design is "It takes more than a pretty face to be number 1 in search results!" Yes, your Flash website razzles and dazzles and looks pretty but only to those who can FIND it! Flash was a great leap forward TEN YEARS AGO, but today has been replaced by modern coding techniques and modern web browsers. Without a large (and expensive) marketing effort or word of mouth, your beautiful Flash website that you paid dearly for is INVISIBLE not only in search results, but also cannot be viewed with the millions of iPhones/iPads and iPods in use today! That's the "kiss of death" for any web marketing strategy! It's even worse if you're an artist trying to peddle your wares in the entertainment business, because they are almost exclusively on the Mac iOS with the iPad, iPhone or iPod, none of which run Flash! This must be remedied right away. Every minute you wait is an opportunity lost so contact us now and let Nickswebworks SEO web design get you top organic SERP on the iPhone/iPad/iPod TODAY!
The Problem with Flash Websites
Having Flash ELEMENTS in you website, if done properly, can be quite effective. The problem is, because Flash can be easy to master, many "old school" web designers found they could make big dollars for little work selling "razzle dazzle" eye candy websites designed completely in Flash. Very nice. Except for one problem... Flash files are basically "movies" and Google, Yahoo or bing can't read MOVIES. Or pictures. As a consequence, much of the very important informational text on a Flash website is rendered unreadable to search engines and that makes your "lovely to look at" Flash website not only invisible in search results, but also to the very popular platforms mentioned previously. Nickswebworks "Clean Code Advantage" implements industry best practices and that results in very high, if not number one placement in search results (SERP) for all of our webdesign clients.
PSD to HTML5 and CSS3
Graphic Artists | Web Designers | Agencies | Website/Business Owners
We'll slice your PSD to clean HTML5 and css
We can take your page layouts designed in Photoshop and slice with the Clean Code Advantage system. Also, we'll "tag" your graphic elements with necessary attributes, the kind of candy that Google loves!
Call or contact using our online form for free quote. Satisfaction guaranteed!
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SEO Editorial - Content Creation
"We'll edit your website content to give your business the Clean Code Advantage for top organic SERP!"
It may not be necessary to change the look of your existing website.
Your words tell the story! Just give us the facts and let our seasoned, experienced marketing and sales team state your case in the most concise, keyword laden copy possible. By bringing your website "up to code" (compliant with the latest standards) with relevant, searchable content, you will increase your visibility to the Search Bots and that improves your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for higher GOOGLE page rank in search results (SRP)!
Google friendly images, text and web page code
We can take your jpg, gif or png blocks of text (as images) and recreate them using semantic html and CSS. Depending on the "font family" (font-face, ex. Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet etc.), the size, color and placement will be very close, if not spot on. This makes your important text "machine readable" to the searchbots, making your site more visible. This is also the first thing any Search Engine Marketing program will do before they implement more sophisticated SEO technologies.
We also go in and clean out all extraneous and duplicate code generated by many WYSIWYG web design software programs (like "Website Tonite" from Godaddy!) and unscrupulous web "designers" (who steal code from other websites and put your name and pictures on it!). Cleaning out the clutter will make your web pages more "Google Friendly", resulting in higher search results placement or SRP. You have to be at or near the top in Google rankings just to be found, and Nick's Web Works' on page SEO formula gives your business the "Clean Code Advantage"
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Landing Page Optimization
with the Clean Code Advantage
Let's talk "conversion rate". Now that your "on-page" SEO is getting you high SRP and the resultant increase in page views, we have to convert the
"lookers" into "doers". With scientifically tested and proven page layout and design, and well placed "calls to action" you should get more calls and/or
more inquiries with your contact forms.
Clarity Trumps Persuasion
With landing page optimization, your visitor will know the answer to these three questions - where am I? what can I do here, and why should I do it? According to research by "Marketing Experiments", you have 3-5 seconds to answer those questions correctly before your visitor clicks away from your website.
If you have a serious interest in your firm's search engine marketing, then I recommend you subscribe to Marketing Experiments. They're a research laboratory with a simple (but not easy) seven-word mission statement: To discover what really works in optimization.
Contact us today for a FREE consultation on how to optimize your landing pages!
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Domain Name and Web Hosting Services
"stake your claim in cyberspace!"
Your Domain Name is Your Brand
We'll get your domaine name registered and find the best hosting solution for your web presence. Whether you are just hanging out a shingle or a full e-commerce on-line store, we'll find you the best deal.
We can give you the Clean Code Advantage with semantic html + CSS. We also have many contacts in the web hosting market and we may be able to find you a better webhosting deal. The performance of your web site and your web HOST are factors in Google SERP. Also, we can help administer your current site wherever you are hosted. Ask about our monthly maintenance plans.
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Invest wisely. Get your "On-Page" SEO house in order before signing on with expensive algorithmic keyword voodoo programs. Nicks Web Works "on-page" SEO is the strong foundation that your search engine marketing (SEM) strategy is built on. A modest investment in SEO web design now will pay off big in the short and long term and can save you b-i-g dollars in your ppc expenditures. Remember, a "cheap" website could cost more than you save because of lost business opportunities.
Improve your Search Results Placement (SRP, or "page rank") with
Nick's Web Works' Clean Code Advantage
Get Found With Search Engine Optimization
To get found online, you need the best search engine results placement (SERP) possible. While developing your web design, we will take every major factor into account to ensure you're getting noticed by Google, Yahoo, and Bing. While "SEO" is a big buzzword in the internet community, it is not so complicated when you build a site from scratch. However, when attempting to optimize an existing website, it can be much more of a challenge. For example, a site built completely in "Flash" will never perform as well as a site developed with Nick's Web Works' Clean Code Advantage (CSS & HTML5).
When you are ready to improve your SERP, call or email using our online form for a free analysis and consultation. We've done this many times where we improve an existing web site's SRP by changing the underlying code, as most of our clients have experienced.
No Promises. Just Proven Results.
Improve your Search Results Placement (SRP,) with
Nick's Web Works' Clean Code Advantage
and Get Found Online!
Top 5 Website Redesign Tips
When doing a website redesign, we keep these 5 tips in mind and use Nickswebworks' "Clean Code Advantage" in the process for Top Organic SERP.
- Goal: More visitors and leads. The reason you are redesigning your website is to impact your business, not because you or your CEO are bored with the design. So, focus on the results you want: more visitors, leads and customers, then make decisions based on these goals.
- Avoid pitfalls. Inventory your assets and protect them. A website redesign can negatively impact your results by unintentionally removing the assets - website pages and links - that are driving the most leads for you. Make sure to figure out your most powerful pages and links and protect them during the redesign process. This is where Google analytics comes into play
- Invest in remarkable content that attracts visitors and converts them into leads. A fancy design does not necessarily bring results. Focus on function over form. Create an ongoing content creation strategy (this means blogging!) to add more content to your website over time.
- Create conversion opportunities with calls to action and landing pages. Once you have visitors coming to your website, give them the opportunity to give you their contact information in exchange for content. This means using landing pages - and having control over your landing pages - as you build out your new website.
- Measure the impact on visitors and leads. At the beginning of your website redesign process, you decided you wanted to increase visitors and leads. Did it work? Make sure you have the website analytics in place to measure your progress towards your goals.
A business website is a business tool and should deliver business results. Leave the works of art to the galleries and museums. Your career and your company will thank you for it.
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