Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget. Why Pay More?
I took a look at my lovely site this morning. I can't get enough. What eye candy!
So colorful and sweet. YOU ROCK!
Chava S
"The amount of inquiries is out of control! You are a wizard sir!" Case Study
PPC advertising with google? I ran an ad for several months that had no success (and I had high rankings). Hiring you was after the failed ad campaign (much better decision!). The website in [redesign] has been much more successful.
Hey man, post [this testimonial]! You worked the magic, I really thank you. You saved my business!
- Christian Miedle
WordPress SEO web redesign. This was an owner built web site, so Mr Meidle knew enough to get the website up, but couldn't get any Search Engine Results Placement (SERP). Many DIYers come to because of our proven design technique that gets top SERP, where the money is! (Mr Miedel, regrettably, has gotten out of the pig business) Visual redesign, logo design, content, layout and SEO - Nick Sharpe NWW
"After a free analysis, Nick explained to me that from a code standpoint my website was extemely lacking and
actually sending business to my competitors! He quickly and accurately designed a new website with the latest
SEO strategy and in three days had me at the top of the first page of organic listings based upon relative key words
he selected. If that is not delivering the goods I do not know what is."
"I wrote Nick a check on Friday, #1 on Sunday!"
- Dennis Goddard : See Video Testimonial
Fresh SEO web design. This was a brand new web site built from the ground up with semantic html and css, a super Google friendly code technique that resulted in #1 SERP for
Visual design, logo design, content, layout and SEO - Nick Sharpe NWW
Chava, electrologist and massage therapist, packed up her epilator and moved her electrolysis biz from LA for San Francisco. She needed a website to help get established. Chava found NWW online and noticed I had done work for ElectroYogi, her former employer (see below).
"I took a look at my lovely site this morning. I can't get enough. What eye candy! So colorful and sweet. YOU ROCK!" - Chava
Fresh SEO web design . This is a brand new web site built from the ground up with semantic html and css, a super Google friendly code technique that promises gets! top results in SERP after it goes went! live March 15, 2011. Now previewing v2.1 in carousel (above).
Visual design, logo design, content, layout and SEO - Nick Sharpe NWW
Freelancers need SEO, too. Your CV, resume, bio and other info becomes keyword searchable not only in Google, Yahoo and bing, but also for other headhunting technologies. Jean Harter is a set designer and digital modeler in Hollywood and needs to display her work to possible clients/producers in web browsers, mobile phones, pads and other devices. NicksWebWorks Clean Code Advantage will help insure that her site comes up in the top SERP for her keywords.
Another good reason to update your browser is to see all the great new design elements, like translucent backgrounds, rounded corners and custom fonts which can provide a RICH MEDIA experience for your viewers and be written in the CSS code to reduce page weight(like too many images) to improve page load time, which is one of Google's criteria for high SERP. Click on thumbnail to view the site in full resolution and see the subtle elements in her page design.
Visual design, logo, content, layout and SEO xhtml: Nickswebworks SEO: Nick Sharpe NWW
"Thanks so much for the excellent service. In regards to what's next maybe think of how to utilize"
- Neil Jaffe Chequered Flag International
SEO. It's all about the WORDS. This site was virtually invisible to the searchbots for general search terms, due to an extreme lack of relevant "on-page" content. Nicks Web Works' Clean Code Advantage was applied and within days, landed first page Search Engine Results Placement(SERP) on Google, Yahoo and bing. In the highly competitive automotive market that is "car crazy" Los Angeles, the Clean Code Advantage won "pole position", leaving their competition in the dust!
Thats how you get the "Chequered Flag" in the race to be #1 on Google!
Visual design, content, layout and SEO - Nick Sharpe NWW
"Thank you for doing an absolutely outstanding job handling SEO for my website. Before you worked on my site it did not show up for any of my relevant keywords that could help potential clients find me online. In a remarkably short time you got me to Google's first page Position One for one of my keywords (to my great joy and amazement) and for a second keyword I am now on Page 2. You brought me out of the desert and closer to the promised land. Well done! -David Weiss
In an extremely competitive market, a search for "qualified sales appointments" returned #1 in Google! Nick's Web Works has proven time and again to get search results placement (srp) at or near the top for our web design clients. For the best ROI on any budget, doesn't it make sense to make a small investment in proper web site design? Contact Us now and get the Clean Code Advantage for your business today.
Visual design, logo, content, layout: Shannon Brown
On Page SEO: Nick Sharpe NWW
"Nick made (code) changes to my small business web site and in less than three months, I was showing up on page 1 of Google in all the relevant search categories of my very popular hair removal business! He is fast, efficient, and a delight to work with. I am committed to the ongoing optimization of my web site and will be working with Nick to get my site to the #1 position in organic / natural search results! If anyone can do it, Nick can."
- Nicole Policicchio
Dateline 2010 -This was a Do-It-Yourself "GoDaddy" site that Nicole made herself. What NWW did was go in and transform all the extraneous template generated code to Clean Code Advantage SEO, i.e. xhtml and css, with researched keywords embedded in all the places that Google "reads". Electroyogi went from nowhere to page one beating out her more established competition, and still HOLDS HER PLACE today (Aug 2011 - see blog post for details).
Call or e mail now for a free consultation and quote. Contact Us
Visual design, content, layout: Nicole Policicchio SEO: Nick Sharpe NWW
the other BOP35 We like our music and we like to have fun! After a busy day, we check in to hear new music, see who's playing and whats going on in Hollywood. We can apply the bop35 seo magic to your band, theater or other showbiz website for your fans. The same with any business, you have to not only look good, but have the integrity ("true grit" we like to call it) that comes when you design with the Clean Code Advantage.
Call or e mail now for a free web design consultation and quote.
Visual design, logo design, content, layout, music and SEO: Nick Sharpe NWW
a Picture Speaks...
There's nothing like a great photo to get your attention. This "disco ball eclipse" shot by Fara Sosa
says it all - party, dancing and the fantasies that music brings to life. In the time honored tradition of album cover art, a visually pleasing
image hints at the promise of the musical pleasures that lay just a click away...
Call or e mail now for a free web design consultation and quote.
Visual design, logo design, content, layout, music and SEO: Nick Sharpe NWW