Testimonial from Dennis Goddard at DennisBuysCars.com
A couple years ago what I did [to get traffic] was paying "pay per click". I was using Google Adwords and you know what? It's very expensive, it's very mysterious, you never know what you're getting and its completely untrackable so if you even call the people at Google and you say "hey! what are my keywords that are working? What ads are working best? What geographical area are pulling the best? They cant, either can't tell you or won't tell you.
Now right about the same time, I started using NicksWebworks' "Clean Code" strategy and what he did was, he completely redesigned my website. He made my code such that any traffic came directly to my site instead of my competitors.
As a result, I have now eliminated Google Adwords and my calls are coming in strictly because of organic search which is directly a result of my relationship with Nicks Web Works. He has tweaked my website to the point where I' m getting calls from all over the world.
Now take a look at this car here [points to 1960 Ford Thunderbird]. This is a 1960 Thunderbird. I bought this... this came from Oregon and this is a result of somebody that did a search, they typed in "who buys classic cars" so therefor, this car came to me, its just one of many! I get classic cars, I get late models, Toyotas, Hondas... you name it!
But the point is this, if you want your phone to ring, and I mean this only because, it truly, truly has been successful and I'm not saying this because I'm being paid to say this, call Nickswebworks if you have a website and you want action, if you want your phone to ring, if you want to make money, call Nick. He's the man!
Derek Emery Web Marketer Relies on NWW
Dennis' first testimonial in spring 2010
"After a free analysis, Nick explained to me that from a code standpoint my website was extemely lacking and actually sending business to my competitors! He quickly and accurately designed a new website with the latest SEO strategy and in three days had me at the top of the first page of organic listings based upon relative key words he selected. If that is not delivering the goods I do not know what is."
"I wrote Nick a check on Friday, #1 on Sunday!"
Need more Clicks? Come To Nicks!
We'll get your invisible website in front of more eyeballs with the
"Clean Code Advantage"!
Already have a Website?
We can give you the Clean Code Advantage with semantic html + CSS, and we may be able to find you a better webhosting deal. Also, we can help administer your current site wherever you are hosted.
Testimonial From Casey Moseman of Las Vegas Custom Loans

My husband found Nick on a web search which was the first indicator that he knows what he's doing since he shows up [top organic SERP]. We were looking to re-build our 7.5 year old website. Using our existing wordpress site, Nick worked in a beautiful looking design that is highly SEO friendly and even looks great to the end user. The back end I get to use is very helpful to me and has so many tools I dont even know what to do with them all. Everything I need to keep this site running at optimum performance is at my fingertips. Nick spent so much extra time with me over and above what I expected. He stayed in constant contact with me & he delivered the site before the deadline. After it was built he spent an extra 2 hours with me on the phone running it through a 'test drive' which I felt was invaluable. He spends the time to teach you more than you ask for. I feel his pricing is very competitive and when you speak to him, you'll discover he knows exactly what he's talking about. He lives, eats and breathes this business which is exactly who you want building your site in this ever changing environment.
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Testimonial from D. Weiss at the Appoinment Source
You have exceeded our expectations by a significant margin, well done! David Weiss theappointmentsource.com
Testimonial from Christian Meidle
I ran [a PPC] ad for several months that had no success (and I had high rankings) so I switched to Facebook advertising instead. Hiring you was after the failed ad campaign [was a] much better decision!. You worked the magic. You saved my business.
You are a wizard sir!
See SERP Case Study for C Meidle
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